IMS Connector Systems - Membership in SPE Industrial Partner Network for the growth of IIoT
Single Pair Ethernet is an alliance of companies to promote Single Pair Ethernet as the basis for rapid and successful growth of IloT. The SPE Industrial Partner Network is the seal of quality for uniform and coordinated infrastructure that meets set standards. IMS Connector Systems ranks among the companies as an equal member.
For future users, SPE Industrial Partner Network is the first point of contact for all questions concerning the development of SPE networks and devices. Here, clear recommendations are given for the development of future IIoT applications and serve as a central information and exchange platform. By bundling competencies, users are provided with investment security in order to rely on this technology.
Please note, that the SPE Pioneer Summit will take place on 3 and 4 November 2020 with high-ranking speakers. Take the opportunity to participate in the talks and discussions of some of the most brilliant pioneers in the field of IIoT.
Please register at SPE Pioneer Summit 2020.